Accelerate and de-risk your additive manufacturing application development
Structural Ti or Al-alloy components for space flight since 2015
Critical Passive RF flight parts since 2017
Satellites with 3D Systems produced flight hardware on board

Experience 3D Systems at Rapid + TCT

See how we are delivering mission-critical components with unmatched quality with live demos, expert insights, and breakthrough innovations in additive manufacturing.

Reduce Weight, Improve Functionality, and Consolidate Parts

On-Demand Webinar: Generation of Titanium Material Allowable Data for Laser Powder Bed Fusion

3D Systems has generated a high-fidelity dataset including a wide range of mechanical and material properties for LaserForm Ti Gr23 (Ti-6Al-4V ELI) printed on the DMP Flex 350.

Additive Manufacturing Applications for Aerospace and Defense

  • Communication Satellite Orbiting the Earth
  • Passive Radio Frequency (RF) Hardware

    Passive RF hardware is a family of parts that conduct an electromagnetic signal. They can guide, filter, modulate or amplify a signal in different stages of a typical communication chain from earth to a satellite and back. Learn more about the drivers to select our technology to design and manufacture these components.

  • Lightweight Aerospace Bracket from Thales
  • Lightweight Brackets

    Use our advanced direct metal printing to produce lightweight aerospace parts at reduced operational costs that enable greater fuel efficiency. Using topological optimization, you can design highly complex features that maintain or even improve material strength.

  • Cutaway of a DLR 3D Printed DMP Fuel Injector
  • Propulsion & Space Launch

    Create fewer, optimized parts while lowering the costs of manufacturing. Using our additive manufacturing and consulting for aerospace and defense enables a single 3D printed component to replace multiple subcomponents. This means consolidating these subcomponents into a monolithic design, which contributes to weight reduction, fewer bolted and welded joints, and improved overall system performance.

  • Certified Oxygen-Free Copper (A) combustion chamber
  • Heat Exchangers

    Maximize heat transfer and minimize temperature fluctuations by integrating heat-exchanging structures into a single, 3D printed design. Unlike traditional methods, our leading additive manufacturing allows for the production of efficient, high-performance thermal management parts through a streamlined process that reduces time to market.

  • Investment Casting Applications for Aerospace
  • Investment Casting Patterns

    Skip the expense of injection molding tooling for casting patterns. Our advanced software, hardware, and materials enable you to use investment casting workflows to cast 3D printed molds in a fraction of the time and cost. Aerospace parts manufacturers can move directly from CAD to casting pattern with fewer design limitations and quickly create hollow patterns capable of far greater design complexity.

  • Application Innovation Group

    Our team can help you solve your most difficult design and production challenges with additive manufacturing solutions. Together we’ll identify your needs, working with you to optimize your designs, prototype, validate and define a manufacturing flow.

NoSupports enables metal powder-bed printing without support structures.

Powered by 3DXpert software, NoSupports expands the design envelope, accelerates design cycles, and unlocks new applications. 

Customer Stories
New metal printed design for SMILE Project engine injector yields superior mixing and combustion efficiencies, lighter weight, 30:1 parts count reduction ...
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Intuitive inspection software helps airline lower aircraft on ground time, reduce costs and achieve consistent reporting ...
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3D Systems' On Demand Manufacturing team delivers critical 3D printed metal satellite parts that are 25% lighter and ready in half the time of traditional production techniques...
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3D Systems Helps Aerospace and Defense Manufacturers Maximize Efficiencies

  • Dedicated Industry Expertise

    3D Systems has in-house aerospace industry experts across all major aspects of aerospace parts manufacturing, from engineering and design to certification and production. Our experts work with you to optimize your efforts in manufacturing aerospace components for commercial, business, military, aviation, and space applications.

  • Guided Implementation and Support

    Based on more than a decade of leading-edge manufacturing within highly regulated environments such as healthcare, aerospace, and high tech, we provide you with unique insights, assist in the certification process, and enable a streamlined pathway to full-scale manufacturing using our innovative technology. 

  • A Strong ROI

    Our two AS/EN9100 production facilities allow for parallel paths to application development and on-site customer process development. This streamlines the implementation of additive manufacturing and results in an ROI of up to 60%.

  • Additive Manufacturing You Can Trust

    We help maximize your manufacturing process to reduce costs while achieving greater consistency and reliability in your final aerospace components. We work with you to scale your additive manufacturing capabilities at your own pace, and help you ensure traceability and transparency for regulatory and quality control requirements.

  • A Focus on Research and Design

    As demands in the aerospace and defense industries evolve, our additive manufacturing ensures that you can continuously innovate your production and products. Using our in-house expertise, we remain at the forefront of change, developing advanced technology and materials for aerospace applications.

  • 3D Printing Helps the US Air Force Replace Obsolete Parts

    3D Systems and the US Air Force use additive manufacturing to replace hard-to-build parts for aging military aircraft.
  • How Research with Figure 4 3D Printing Will Help US Air Force Replace Obsolete Parts

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