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  • Location Details

    Ledgeview Brewing
    975 Warren Street

    Warsaw, Indiana
    View map

Nota3D and 3D Systems have teamed up to bring the latest developments in additive manufacturing (AM) for healthcare to you. Join us on June 6 for an afternoon at your local brewpub to see firsthand our new extrusion 3D printing technology and innovative 3D printed implants in PEEK, titanium and cobalt chrome. 

Plus, we’ll showcase 3D printed investment casting patterns that can help streamline the creation of intricate implant designs as well as technology that enables rapid iteration and refinement of medical device prototypes.

Orthopaedic device manufactures looking to adopt or expand their AM portfolio can implement new revenue streams with accelerated time to market. Find out how partnering with our teams can help with: 

  • Concepting, design and development
  • Master file access and regulatory expertise 
  • Manufacturing within an ISO 13485 certified environment
  • Technology transfers for those implementing 3D printing in-house

Register by Monday, June 4 to engage with industry experts, network with peers, and gain invaluable insights into next level technologies. Plus, have a beverage or two on us. Food and fun will also be served.

Fill out the form to register.

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