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  • Location Details

    3DZ Headquarter
    31033 Castelfranco Veneto | Treviso
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in cooperation with:  

We are happy to invite you to an exclusive sneak peak for our latest innovations.

You will have the privilege to experience the EXT 800 Titan Pellet and PSLA 270 first-hand, see printed parts, and talk to our product experts.

Take this opportunity to gain a competitive edge and leverage new technologies to optimize your applications!

Agenda at a Glance

09:30Registration & Welcome Coffee 
10:30EXT 800 Titan Pellet: Making High-Speed Pellet Extrusion Additive Manufacturing Technology Accessible 
11:15EXT 800 Titan Pellet: Hands-on Machine Demo 
13:00PSLA 270: 
The speed of projection technology meets the quality and reliability of SLA
13:45PSLA 270: Hands-on Machine Demo 
14:30Q&A Session 


  • EXT 800 Titan Pellet

    EXT 800 Titan Pellet

    • Reduced part cost: Up to 10X faster print speeds and 10X reduction in raw material costs compared to filament 3D printing
    • High reliability: lights-out manufacturing on the production floor with industrial CNC motion control systems, servos on all axes and ultra-reliable extruders
    • Outstanding part performance: EXT Titan Pellet systems enable customers to use the right material for their industrial production applications
  • PSLA 270

    PSLA 270

    • Deliver mid-size, production-grade pars combining SLA print reliability with Figure 4 speed and material versatility
    • Accurate, projector-based SLA with up to 5x throughput
    • High performance engineering and production-grade materials 
    • Industrial-grade printing with unparalleled productivity
    • Build larger parts, faster for higher throughput or faster turnaround times