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For electrical applications and heat exchangers, conductivity is the key property driving the selection of copper. However, oxygen impurities in the copper matrix can severely degrade its electrical and thermal conductivity. Therefore, maintaining the purity of copper powder during printing is crucial, especially given the high surface area-to-volume ratio of fine powder used in Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) and the elevated temperatures it encounters during the process.

Read our Application Insight to learn more about:

  1. Enhanced Conductivity: For electrical applications and heat exchangers, copper's electrical and thermal conductivity is paramount.
  2. Innovative Solutions: The 3D Systems DMP platform uniquely addresses the challenge of maintaining copper purity, enhancing conductivity and material quality.
  3. Efficiency and Reliability: The leak-tight vacuum chamber design not only prevents oxygen contamination but also reduces argon consumption during printing. 
  4. Cutting-Edge Technology: Unlike other LPBF systems that rely on inert gas purging, the DMP Flex and Factory 350 systems offer a more effective solution for producing high-quality, high-conductivity copper parts essential for advanced applications.

By downloading this application insight, you can explore how the DMP platforms' sophisticated design and processes deliver superior copper parts, ensuring optimal performance in demanding applications.